Hi, I’m Grace, organizing and beautifying homes is just what I do and have always done! I love beautifying homes. Oops did I already say that?
I started fixing up, organizing and beautifying homes at a very young age, starting with doll houses. Some made from boxes, books for walls, and of course they absolutely had to include a stall or two for my Breyer model horses.
I started my first wedding and floral design business “Gracefully Yours Floral Design” in the 90’s while my kids were young. Then it was time to complete my BA in Environmental Studies, get a teaching credential, co-chair a couple of home tours, and of course expand my business services.

In 2007, I added my services to include professional organizing, interior and exterior fix ups, move management, and getting clients homes ready to put on the market faster. I changed my business name to “Check It Off Your List”.
Since then, I have organized homes, offices, garages, classrooms, barns, and even a manufacturing company. While primarily organizing in California’s bay area and central Sierras, I have organized clients on location in Louisiana, Hawaii, Colorado, and San Diego.
But it was always more than just organizing to me… When I would work with my clients, I couldn’t help but suggest a new paint color, or I often would paint an accent wall, shop for new accessories, new furniture, I’d often repurpose a room or two and added new planted pots on the front porch! This was what I’ve been doing all along, thinking it was just organizing… Now I embrace all these skills that I have plus many more in what I’m doing today and what you can find on this website!
I’m so excited to be doing EVERYTHING that I LOVE!
Add over 35 years of DIY projects in my own home, moving kids, renovating a couple vacation homes and investment properties, and even building one house from the ground up. I’ve experienced and learned a lot. I love sharing my ideas, how-tos, and ah-has, and can’t wait to share with and inspire you.
I believe in continually adding to my home improvement knowledge and skills, adding e-design certification to the mix. Now I can better assist my clients in visualizing their projects and have a clear picture of what they need to do and purchase. I am also a RESA Certified Home Stager and work with realtors to get their client’s home sold faster.
On a personal note, I’ve been married since 1985, we have four grown children. I love real estate investing, flat water kayaking, flower arranging, and baking Cinnamon Rolls. And WE love our dogs and grandogs!

I am a co-author in two books:

I wrote the definition of “Organized” in the 2019 Book of Words, where 267 of us defined words that meant something to us. It’s a fun book to pick up to educate and entertain your mind.
In 2020, I co-authored The Secret Sauce of Downsizing the complete guide for living with less and loving it more. In my chapter all about organizing, Step 4 of my 5 steps to getting organized says it all, Step 4-Refresh your space with style. In my opinion, improving the look and feel of the space is paramount to being truly “Organized”. You have to LOVE the space you’re in whether for work or play!

Enough about me, let’s talk about you!
What projects would you like to move forward on?
If you are ready to enjoy your home and live your life with less stress, getting organized is where you start. I can help you take action and transform your home!
I will identify your fastest path to your residential or vacation home vision in your complimentary 20 minute Actualization Call. You get clear about your goals, your vision for your home, as well as receive ideas on how I can best help you and where we can start.
Let’s start a conversation . . .
After all it is all about getting it done!
How can I help you?

PS – If you want to check out some of my resources FIRST, before talking, then click the button to Download my FREE Guide: 5 steps to Organize and Beautify Your Home.